from QBasic to Q7Basic

Write down how you discovered Basic For Qt or what you think about it.

from QBasic to Q7Basic

Postby Slowdown » Sun May 01, 2011 7:57 pm

Let it be clear this is my personal story.

It's time to give some feedback and tell what i think about Q7Basic so far.

I'll try to be objective but must be honest that will not be easy.
I'm not a developer, guru, nerd or what so ever i just like to play with BASIC no more no less.

I came from DOS 3.1 and moved up to DOS 5.x where i met QBasic.
You know that is the one with line numbers.
2 A = 5 : B = 6
3 INPUT "5 + 6 = ? ", C
4 If C <> 11 THEN GOTO 6
5 PRINT "Well done" : GOTO 8
6 PRINT "Wrong try it again"
7 GOTO 1

Soon after QBasic i discovered Quick Basic started with version 4.0 and soon after that i moved to Quick Basic version 4.5.
I bought the Crescent (PDS) libs and got some extra features.
Lost countless hours with that combination.
Via a friend of mine i came in contact with VB6 and again lost a lot of time working with it.
Created 2 commercial products with it so for me VB6 came for free :)
In those time i run a 6 lines Bulletin Board System (BBS) and was forced to use Pascal because the software i used was written in Borland Pascal
so all files created by the software where difficult to approach with VB6, it's was more easy to switch to Pascal than writing software in
VB6 which was able to read/write files created by Pascal.
After a few years playing with that system i switched to a other BBS software.
This one was running under MS DOS 6.x and fortunately using plan ASCII files for operating, so i switched again but this time back to
Quick Basic with the extend library's and was creating tools which where a lot faster than the original tools delivered by the developer ;)
For financial reasons i had to quit with all of that so back to VB6 and this time just for the fun.
Back in 2000 i sold by window computers and bought an iMac.
For me one enormous drawback no more VB, where was the fun, the enjoyment ?
So the search began BASIC for the Mac.
Tried several programming languages for instance Free Pascal, didn't like the IDE at all so we go for the BASIC languages, Chipmunk Basic, Liberty Basic and even Real Basic.
None of these i liked for several reasons.
And some day i stumbled upon KBasic, yes that one i liked.
It wasn't VB but it came close very close and i'm still using it.
An IDE i liked and friendly and fast support and back was the fun :D
The developer did know i was using Mac OS and was pointing me to Objective Basic so downloaded that one and ……
Have to admit it wasn't my language for me, it was difficult to understand so back to my friend KBasic.
After a while rumors 'the successor of KBasic is coming' wtf ….
The first Q7Basic Alpha was there and i started using it.
And despite it isn't VB if you have a background in VB you can work with Q7Basic.
At the time of writing it's still Alpha but you can already create programs with Q7Basic.
And i know for sure that Q7Basic is just as all previous languages i used costing me a lot of time again.
I know Q7Basic isn't ready yet but it shows a lot of potential and yes i do have some wishes but it's here to stay.
hope that many will join the Community.
Thanx for reading my developing story.
Kind regards,

OSX 10.8.x, VBox Xp, Ubuntu 32/64 bit, EOS 64 bit
Posts: 465
Joined: Sat May 01, 2010 7:11 pm
Location: Netherlands

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